Middlesex County Public Library

Please buy this book!

We’re happy to try to buy items our library cardholders think would benefit our collection.  Please complete the form below.  If we are unable to purchase the suggested item, we will contact you.  Thank you for your suggestion! Note: We will only consider suggestions from our library cardholders.

Format (select one)

If we purchase this item, do you want it reserved for you?

  • Urbanna Branch Library
    P.O. Box 189
    150 Grace Street
    Urbanna, VA 23175
    Fax: 804-758-5910

    Mon: 10am-5pm
    Tue: 10am-8pm
    Wed: 10am-5pm
    Thu: 10am-5pm
    Fri: 10am-5pm
    Sat: 10am-2pm
    Sun: Closed

  • Virginia's River Realm Find your Shoreline VirginiasRiverRealm.com

  • Deltaville Branch Library
    35 Lovers Lane
    Deltaville, VA 23043
    Fax: 804-776-7423

    Mon : 10am-8pm
    Tues: 10am-5pm
    Wed: 10am-5pm
    Thu: 10am-5pm
    Fri: 10am-5pm
    Sat: 10am-2pm
    Sun: Closed

This site is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services. It is managed by the The Library of Virginia Library Development and Networking Division.